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What do we have to do with technology you may ask well its only in S.T.E.M's name, Technolgy. What we do is create a virtial enviroment for teaching and i feel one of the bst tools we have used this year is Edmodo. Edmodo lets every student and teacher communicate and it is also a great place for finding your assignments. I also like the creativity of the badges, you can get these by completing assignments and challenges from teachers, or by easily being in the school. The badges make me feel like i have accomplished something i am proud of doing as it could have took some time to achive. Edmodo also makes it easy to submit online projects to your teacher, as no one wants to stand in the front of the class explaining there project and getting nervous every time they speak. Link to Edmodo:


Now this one was tough, it was a three way tie. Between Zondle, BrainGenie and Kahoot. Now out of all them i seem to have had the most fun with Kahoot, every one in class praticipates and it puts your knowledge to the test. What i like is some quistions can be easy while others can make you very confused and the teachers seem to like the people who know there stuff, so I recomend you get to know the topic. Kahoot also allows you to create your own test which my team used in are Light Years project. Link:


Other links to zondle and braingenie + BrainPop:




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